Pattern Group and the benefits of Audit Manager
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From quality control to SA8000 certification

Audit Manager optimizes the production of Pattern Group

Audit Manager per Pattern Group

The context

One of the biggest challenges facing luxury brands is having to adopt a sustainable approach to business, meeting the expectations of consumers and others in terms of product Quality, Safety and Ethics. Market requirements demand the fulfilment of very high quality standards and an increasingly short time to market. It is therefore essential to be able to ensure, verify and certify compliance with these requirements throughout the supply chain.

The customer

Pattern, a company founded by Fulvio Botto and Francesco Martorella in 2000, has made innovation and technological research one of the pillars of its business. It is now one of the most important players in the design, engineering, development, prototyping and production of men’s and women’s clothing lines for the world’s most prestigious luxury brands, in the fashion show and main line segments.

icon pattern

The requirements

Pattern, a company offering an excellent blend of craftsmanship and technology, has always invested in new technologies and advanced systems to improve the quality of its products and working environment, achieve social and environmental responsibility certifications and effectively manage its supply chain.

The choice

Pattern therefore chose Audit Manager to carry out, manage and monitor different types of audits and controls. Specifically, Audit Manager has made it possible to digitise:

  • Audits for SA8000 certification, both internally and at its suppliers’ premises. Companies that adhere to the voluntary standard for Social Accountability SA8000 are committed to respecting the rules on work ethics defined by the most important world organisations for the protection of human rights and labour (respect for human rights and workers, protection against the exploitation of minors and guarantees regarding health and safety in the workplace).
  • Audits for “Sustainable Production”, carried out at the premises of suppliers of raw materials and services. The aim is ZDHC (Zero Disharge Hazardous Chemicals) certification of the entire textile chain, considered polluting from a chemical point of view, and the management of chemical management processes within these structures to ensure traceability and transparency to the entire value chain upstream and downstream from the customer.
  • Quality control of the garments produced, both during processing (chain control) and at the end of the process.
  • Preliminary assessment of potential new production sites to be included in Pattern’s supply chain.

The benefits

Using Audit Manager, which is considered a highly scalable and flexible tool, Pattern says it has achieved:

  • better work organisation and distribution;
  • immediate production of reports on the outcome of controls and their standardisation;
  • availability of constantly updated statistics;
  • evidence of production phase monitoring for end customers (greater transparency).

Pattern Group

Luxury Goods, Manufacturing

Auti SA8000 and for sustainable production, quality control and supplier audit

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