Keeping your network under control

Audits for the Franchising sector

What can Audit Manager do for you?

Software management audits, inspections and non-conformities in the franchising sector.

In order to obtain customer satisfaction, increase their loyalty and uphold the brand’s reputation, companies operating in the franchising sector have to guarantee the safety and quality of products and services offered to the end consumer.
In greater detail, in addition to carrying out internal product, process and system audits, the franchisor must constantly check and monitor affiliates and sales/distribution points by carrying out audits on:

  • compliance with contracts and agreed procedures
  • compliance of materials and equipment
  • general conditions of the points of sale (cleaning, maintenance, equipment, etc.)
  • correct presentation of products and promotion management
  • proper product preservation and storage
  • staff collaboration and performance


Audit Manager is a software that makes it possible to optimise the complete management of audits and inspections of various types (system audits, product/service inspections, mystery shopping, etc.), while providing end consumers with the guarantee that the company operates according to certified rules and procedures.
In addition, the digitalisation of auditing activities leads to the immediate collection of data that can be used to define quality targets, future actions and business objectives.

Audit Manager benefits:

  • identification of targets, KPIs and quality standards
  • increased product and service quality
  • improved Quality Management System
  • audit planning, non-conformity detection and classification
  • supply chair monitoring and analysis of points of sale, fittings, materials and customer service
  • identification of corrective actions needed to resolve non-conformities
  • report generation at the end of the audit
  • follow-up management
  • integration with existing systems: software, sensors and hardware
  • total customisation of checklists, functions and graphics
  • data monitoring and analysis
  • continuous help and assistance

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